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Supporting young people's sexual health

Accessibility statement

Accessibility statement for Healthy Respect® 

This statement explains:

  • how accessible this site is
  • what to do if you are finding it hard to use
  • how to tell us about any accessibility problems.


Using the website

We want everyone who visits this website to be able to find and access the information they are looking for. This website has been designed to be accessible (easy to use and understand) for as many people as we can.

Here are the things we have done to make our website accessible:

  • simple text that is easier to read and understand 
  • a focus on key messages rather than lots of text  
  • large writing (font size minimum use of 14) 
  • easy to see colours
  • spaced out information
  • hyperlinks underlined
  • subtitles on most of videos used
  • alt text for all images


On our website you should be able to:

  • zoom in without text spilling off the screen
  • move around most of the website using a keyboard
  • move around most of the website using speech recognition software
  • listen to the website text being read by a screen reader

For help in making your computer work best the AbilityNet web site can offer you further support  my computer my way


Reporting accessibility problems with this website

The content of this website is managed by Healthy Respect® and the site managed by Alive with Ideas. If you are having any problems using this website, please contact:



Compliance status

This website is compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.1 Level A. However, parts of the website or content that loads from external sources are not in our control and might not meet WCAG 2.1 A standards.

The website is designed to be best on mobile devices considering the main way young people access the internet. The site is based on bootstrap 4 which will mean IE10 is available to many users and can support as many browsers as possible.


Easy-to-understand (ETU) subsite

The easy-to-understand (ETU) part of the website is written in Easy Read format (simple words and pictures).

To ensure that the ETU meets best practice in accessibility standards, it has been tested by Digital Accessibility Centre (DAC). The DAC audit has been carried out against WCAG 2.2 level AA and included automated testing, along with an expert manual compliance audit, and testing by users with a range of disabilities.


Content that’s not within the scope of the accessibility regulations

We are working making PDFs accessible. However, this site uses PDF files where required at present.   

Some of the code is loaded from external sources such as Google (for Analytics etc) and may not comply with accessibility regulations. 


What we are  doing to improve accessibility

We are always trying to improve the accessibility of this website. We regularly review the site to improve its accessibility and usability.

At Healthy Respect, creating an accessible service is a team effort. We want our teams to make accessible information and services by:

  • considering accessibility at the start of their project, and throughout
  • making accessibility the whole team’s responsibility
  • doing regular accessibility audits and testing


Preparation of this accessibility statement

This website’s accessibility will be reviewed on a regular basis. We will update this accessibility statement with any relevant changes.

This statement was prepared in October 2022. Last updated in July 2024.

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