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Supporting young people's sexual health

Get a pregnancy test

Time really matters.

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Think you might be pregnant?

There are lots of people you can speak to for help:

  • your GP (doctor)
  • a health professional from a sexual health service
  • your NHS Lothian school nurse
  • an adult you trust

Where can I get a pregnancy test?

You can get a free and confidential pregnancy test from a sexual health service or your GP.

If you go to school you can ask to see the NHS Lothian school nurse. They can arrange a pregnancy test for you, or help you find out where to get one.

  • Ask your pupil support teacher for an appointment with the NHS school nurse.
  • It is confidential, you do not need to tell the school what it is about.

Staff are there to listen and work with you to give you the best support.


Type of test

Pregnancy tests that you can get from a pharmacy, or school nurse, test your urine (pee) for a hormone that your body makes during pregnancy.

This type of test can tell you if you are pregnant if:

  • your period is late by one or more days, or
  • if it is 3 weeks or longer since you had unprotected penis in vagina sex (where no condom or contraception was used, or you are worried the condom or contraception did not work).

You can speak to someone at a sexual health service to find out what support is best for you.

Taking a pregnancy test at the wrong time, too soon after unprotected sex, can give you the wrong result.

You can take a pregnancy test if your period is late, or it is has been 3 weeks or longer since you had unprotected penis in vagina sex.

If you are still having sex you might want to use condoms while you wait for the right time to take a test. Get free condoms.

Do you need emergency contraception?


If you have had sex in the last 5 days and you think you might be at risk of pregnancy you can get emergency contraception. Emergency contraception can prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex.

You might also be at risk of Sexual Transmitted Infection (STI). If you have had unprotected sex you can get an STI test sent to your home.

Think you may have symptoms of an STI get tested at Chalmers Sexual Health Centre.

These services are free and confidential.

Get more information about options or next steps if you are pregnant.

Not sure where to get advice?

Click here to find a service near me

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